When I was 21 I was either jacked up on coffee, writing mentally masturbatory papers on metaphors, or drinking brews with my comrades at our ramshackle house on the fringes of campus.
I exhibited no discernible talent other than contriving creative costumes for campus parties that required them, or having the loudest laugh in a crowded room of drunk undergrads.
That is why whenever I'm lucky enough to stumble across a young, hyper-talented musical newbie like Micachu (and 21-years-old to be precise) I trill with gratitude (loudly in private, silently in public). Really good music, the kind that involuntarily lights up your brain, makes the colors of the world that much more saturated, transforms a bad mood into a not so bad one, and makes life better -- no drugs required. Yes sir, I'll have another.
This Brit has been making music since right before Kindergarten. Her music is not as "accessible" as your average glossed out pop tart, but that's what makes her songs and style so innovative. Her tunes are dissonant, but strung along thin reeds of melody that will likely drive you to turn the volume up rather than off. She also incorporates homemade instruments, which is indubitably really fucking cool.
So is Micachu an avante garde tower of musical power? Is she a self-indulgent musical train wreck? Well, she is young, and after several listens, I'd say she's more of the former, still stretching and growing into her musical skin. I look forward to witnessing her musical evolution.
In the meantime, the following tracks will more than make do.